City of Valpo Hires Desila Rosetti, ODS to Facilitate Public Meetings for Strategic Planning

VALPARAISO — If you think you have some ideas on how to make Valparaiso a better place to live, the city wants to hear from you.

Mayor Matt Murphy announced Tuesday the beginning of the city's latest strategic planning process, which will gather ideas from the public beginning Monday.

"We're interested in hearing from our neighbors and learning what they would like to see in Valparaiso moving forward," Murphy said.

To help with the effort to gather community input and develop a plan, the city hired Desila Rosetti of Organizational Design Solutions. The process includes a review of the current data, previous planning efforts and studies, and an assessment of the city's success in accomplishing its previous goals.

In order to gather community comments, a list of six key questions was created to spark discussion and ideas.

"We want to know things like 'What do you like about Valparaiso?' and 'What's on your wish list for the city?'" Murphy said.

To participate, residents can tune in to one of the five Zoom sessions or visit the city's website at and take the online survey by the end of February. The schedule for the Zoom sessions also is online by clicking the "Community Planning" link at the top of the page.

Zoom sessions are scheduled for a variety of days and times to try to accommodate everyone's schedule.

"Certainly 2020 was an atypical year, and we're very proud of the way Valparaiso worked together to get through it. Now it's time to look forward," Murphy said. "This strategic plan will be a valuable tool, and we're eager to hear from the community and continue working collectively toward shared goals."



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