What We’ve Been Up To

Desila Rosetti and Ken Blanchard.jpg

Desila Rosetti and Ken Blanchard, author, at the ASTD Conference

What We've Been Up To Sharon McGuire, Sr Trainer and Consultant at ODS, has been invited (and accepted) to serve as a member of the Purdue University Calumet Campus Organizational Leadership & Supervision Advisory Board. In this role, Sharon, along with other board members, will offer expert advice and guidance to the University and the OLS Department on curriculum selection, accreditation, new programs and competencies and skills of graduates. Sharon is excited to become part of the Advisory Board at PUC and hopes her expertise and knowledge will be a valuable addition to the board.

Desila Rosetti, President of ODS, has been chosen by the Society for Human Resource Management National Office (SHRM) to serve on the national scholarship award committee for the Northwest Region. "These scholarship awards will help to advance the skills of local HR (human resource) professionals through higher education or through advancement by industry certification" said Rosetti. SHRM is the leading global organization for Human Resource Professionals.

Recently, Desila Rosetti, ODS President, travelled to Ohio to assist with strategic planning for the Ohio Association for Healthcare Quality. Indiana and Ohio have partnered in the past to advance the leadership skills of their memberships. Boards of Directors for their local organizations must stay on their game as their membership continues to see the value of this type of training and how it will assist them in moving their organization forward. Ohio has always been considered a leader by the National Association of Healthcare Quality and they continue to show us why. Their leaders are visionary and express a continued interest in assuring continued success.

ODS has been on the road non-stop this year! The year began with a great deal of strategic planning for both profit and non-profit organizations. In addition we facilitated over 50 focus groups for two totally different educational facilities. One organization is planning to use the information for visioning for the future and the second is using their information for branding. Exciting stuff!

Most recently we attended the ASTD (American Society for Training and Development) Conference and gathered some new techniques that we have incorporated into our Customer Service Series. The course offers customized training sessions or extensive training that entails everything from company culture to service recovery. We are currently delivering this program in Lake County.


Calumet College of St. Joseph Employee Spotlight: Desila Rosetti


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